Sunday, July 10, 2011

Blog Under Construction...

Please excuse the appearance of my blog...I will be revamping it soon. I'm not a fan of the blogger layouts, which is one of the reasons why I tend to not blog on here....but until then you can visit which is my other blog.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's been a while...

I feel like I've abandoned my blogger. I've missed you so...things have been crazy busy thus far. I have some major events coming up which include: my sister's wedding, commencement, and some upcoming travels. I'm so excited for my sister to get married. She has truly found her soulmate and I could not be more happier. I love him for her and they both deserve the best. The wedding is definitely going to be a memorable day and there will be tears of joy!

As for college, I will be graduating in May. May 13th to be exact! I am so excited yet nervous. I still need to bust my ass the rest of the semester and finish off strong. Senoritis is trying to take over, but I will not let it. After all, I'm not just doing this for myself, but for my heart, my support system, and that's my family. The thought of grad school as been a stressor. I applied to the excellerated master's program at my current college which is for one year, and I hope I get in. I've also decided that medical school is my next step! It's a big deal and I know it will be challenging, but what in life is easy?! I know with God and my great support system that I can concur it.

Lastly, I will be returning to Ghana and Benin at the end of May. I went two years ago and fell in love with my home away from home. This was a big decision considering that financially it will be a burden. My mom is upset that I'm going because she says I've been before and I don't have the funds. I know I'm being selfish, but I don't know when I'll get the opportunity to go again, therefore I'm going. Lol

Well, I know that was a lot of info, but It's been a while!....stay tuned for more updates. <3

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

African Dancers

Me and my Upward Bound students were instructed by the BEST, Shaumba-Yandje Dibinga. She is the founding Executive and Artistic Director of OrigiNation, Inc. and Artisitic Director of Educational Programs and AileyCamp Boston. My group preformed African dancing, my favorite! I enjoyed working with Ms.Dinbinga. She truly is a JOY!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Farewell Summer...

This Summer has been truly amazing. Although I worked majority of my summer, I had a great time meeting new people, making new friendships, experiencing some new adventures, and spending time with the amazing people in my life. Vacationing in The Bahamas was a great way wrap up the summer. It was definitely a relaxing one and I enjoyed it. Despite summer ending, my favorite season is shortly approaching, AUTUMN! The school year is around the corner and this year is going to be an important, challenging, yet exciting year for me.
It's my senior year of college and boy am I nervous! I know with a new year there will be new challenges and new obstacles that I will face, but through the grace of Christ, I know all things are possible. On that note, Hello Fall!

Friday, July 9, 2010